East River Amateur Radio Club - W8MOP



ERARC - W8MOP - Bluefield, WV


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The East River Amateur Radio Club, Inc., is located in Bluefield, West Virginia. The club's call sign is W8MOP. The ERARC was incorporated in 1960.

ERARC online services:  https://hamclubonline.com
Join online, manage membership, view communications, & more!
To register, search for the club's call:  W8MOP


The club meets monthly on the first Monday. Meetings are at 7:00 p.m. at 704 Bland St. Bluefield, WV, room 523. There is a wheelchair accessible door coming into the building from the parking lot immediately downhill. Parking is beside the building in a fenced in area or across the street (not part of our complex).



Club DMR information, click here.

Listen to DMR online now:


Sponsored Nets

Skywarn Practice Net --on the 145.490  repeater   -6 offset   no PL Tone yet,  each Monday at 7:30 pm. (except 1st Mondays which is club meeting night)

W8MOP DMR net--- Every Tuesday night at 7:30pm. on the club DMR repeater--444.450  +5 offset  and we use Talk Group 3154.

Mercer County ARES Net---Every 3rd Thursday night at 7:30pm on the 145.490 repeater   -6 offset, no PL tone as of yet.


Supported Services

FM Voice Repeaters

  • 145.49 -.6 "BR549" Kenwood
  • 444.450 +5 DMR Local TG9, TS1, CC1
  • 147.060 -.6 PL103.5 Windmill Gap
  • 442.450 +5 Windmill Gap
  • 53.370 -1 (N8RIG)
  • 224.46 -1.6


Packet Nodes

  • MERCWV -or- BLFDWV 145.69
    • Bluefield DAREN node/Mailbox
  • W8MOP-5 144.39
    • Wide Area APRS Node
Stay Up to Date

New! - W8MOP Dashboard: https://erarc.com/dashboard/


Weekly Breakfast Get-Together

Please join us at the weekly breakfast get-together - 8:00 AM Saturdays - Valley Restaurant - Green Valley, across from the mini-mall.


Become a member!

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